Mission, Vision and Belief Statements
Linden Grove will prepare all students to be at or above grade level in the core content areas and to use their education to be productive citizens. Linden Grove will achieve this mission by providing engaging lessons and extracurricular opportunities that develop grade-level academic and social-emotional skills in an environment of safety, belonging, and respect.
The vision of Linden Grove Middle School is a building where adults foster the academic achievement and emotional health of students, students embrace the importance of their education and commit to giving their personal best each day, and students, staff and families work as partners to ensure student success.
Belief Statements:
As a school that focuses on academic achievement, Linden Grove will:
have a clear understanding of the essential knowledge students must master at each grade level.
recognize and accommodate individual differences, interests and abilities within the curriculum, instructional practice and assessment.
regularly review multiple sources of student data to inform instructional practices.
provide enrichment/acceleration for students who have mastered the essential knowledge.
implement interventions to help students who did not learn the essential knowledge.
connect students and families to necessary services through the school or community.
As a school that ensures an atmosphere of safety and respect, Linden Grove will:
explicitly teach and reinforce behavioral expectations.
utilize Restorative Practices to strengthen student/student and student/staff relationships.
develop students’ interpersonal skills.
take bullying seriously and handle it in a way that protects students from further harm.
implement procedures to protect students from unexpected circumstances.
view all students as everyone’s responsibility and intervene whenever necessary.
through our words and actions, treat students with respect and caring.
As a school that creates a sense of belonging, Linden Grove will:
provide students a voice in the decisions that impact students at school.
provide opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular activities in their areas of interest.
ensure every child is well-known by at least one adult.
create strong classroom and POD communities through group and team activities.
As a school that instills self- confidence and self esteem, Linden Grove will:
focus students on effort rather than innate ability.
recognize and celebrate diversity.
provide multiple opportunities for students to be successful.
promote, recognize and celebrate individual and collective effort and achievement.
support students as they develop their individual identities.
As a school that embraces family and community involvement, Linden Grove will:
expect parents and families to play an active role in their children's education, monitor their children’s academic performance and work positively and collaboratively with staff to maximize their child’s educational experience.
promote effective two-way communication with family and the community.